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Dubravka Radonjić

(1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has lived in Prague for the last 25 years)

She is one of the pioneers in the field of dance therapy, and her work over many years of practice has inspired many individuals, including mental health therapists. In her work she connects the abstract level (dancing body fluid mind-dance), the conceptual level (Human Design system) and the non-conceptual level (the phenomenon of all phenomena - being/experiencing the self, anchoring ourself in being-meditation). For 17 years, she has been simultaneously and continuously penetrating all these levels, experiencing them, experimenting with them, studying, living and teaching them.


Originally she studied film direction and made a number of short films, some of which won prestigious awards. Dubravka then became a professional therapist and Human Design analyst ( She studied at the official international school IHDS (The International Human Design School).

In addition to HDS, she devotes a large part of her life to developing creativity through movement and conducts dance-movement therapies under her own brand Kiva dance. Based on many years of experimentation, she created "language" through which she conveys and teaches the mechanics of movement and mind, and subsequently the expression of their fusion. Her passion is playing with the various possibilities of human perception of the world through channels inspired by the human senses. She is an eternal explorer of the unknown and a hunter of beauty with long-term meditation practice.

She is one of the founders of the organization LilaOmilia, which now presents the project Receptive Playground, within which, among other things, she works as a dance movement lecturer-therapist. The main motto of her activity is to move from thinking about experience to experiencing it directly and anchoring in its knowledge.


Dubravka is here to initiate the spirit of others to direct knowledge and not just mental interpretation.

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