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Initiation into the allegory of the body

Dancing body, fluid mind

Dubravka Radonjić

During the dance classes, participants will be inspired and provoked to become more deeply in touch with their bodies. To open up the potential of their own form and learn to grasp its abstract language, which speaks through feelings and its dynamics.

At the same time, we will aim to deepen emotional intelligence and the readability of its transmission. We will start stimulating the inner world and channelling the body's energy. While reviving (bringing awareness to) dull places in the body, initiating into one's own form and into the river of experience will take place. Through the senses, we will consciously process the space in the body and everything that is in it and around it. We will develop flexibility and elasticity, dexterity and dynamic of movement. The emphasis will be on developing the sensitivity and perception of both the physical body and its contents, as well as the feeling of the invisible sphere, the body of consciousness, which gives birth to everything essential, and touches us quite intimately through our feelings.

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The topics that we will actively experience (physically, mentally and emotionally) and continuously develop during the 8-month cycle of regular sessions will help to develop perception, deepen self-knowledge, deepen relationships and relieve stress as the main causes of all civilizational diseases:

  • work with energy and concentration

  • connecting with instincts and following the impulse from which they arise

  • finding pleasure through your body as your best friend

  • emotional freedom and availability

  • work with gravity, inertia and variability in the body

  • character creation, entering different roles

  • tapping into the variety of rhythm

  • developing an abstract dialogue in pairs, pair exercises, of mutual attunement, active symbiosis and joint flow and physical fulfillment, mutual strengthening and inspiration

  • developing emotional intelligence through the liberation of emotional expression

  • getting rid of the shame of expressing yourself

  • creating a healthy relationship with your limitation, using limitations as a creative tool

  • developing movement that does not harm the body, developing the body's natural abilities

  • work with tension and release, with contraction and relaxation

  • working with the feeling mind and developing imagination

  • working with the mind as such, opening other possibilities of perception and experience, mental flexibility

  • developing openness and courage to explore new things

  • deepening honesty with oneself and the environment and deepening intimacy with the whole process

  • developing the ability to recognize beauty and the art of embodying it

Lecturer, therapist: 
Dubravka Radonjić

Lesson schedule

20. 10. 2023

Dubravka and Zuzana will present the first meeting together.

After that, the lecturers will rotate every Friday.

18:30 – 21:00

27. 10. 2023

Dubravka Radonjić - Initiation into the allegory of the body

18:30 – 21:00

The following Friday dates: (10.11., 24.11., 8.12., 29.12., 12.1., 26.1., 16.2., 1.3., 15.3., 5.4., 19.4., 3.5., 17.5.)


Karlínské Spektrum DDM city of Prague

Karlínská nám. 7, Prague 8


2,445 CZK (100 EUR)

For the Friday course (27 lessons) for the period from 20. 10. 2023 – 17. 5. 2024.

By purchasing the entire course, the price for one lesson is 90 CZK.

Payment is made by bank transfer. After booking your place, you will receive payment details by email.

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