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Symposium Bratislava

24. – 26. 5. 2024

The three-day symposium in Bratislava is the culmination and final output of the entire Receptive Playground project. The practically tuned program emphasizes the experiential form of sharing knowledge, approaches and experiences in the field of mental health.


The aim of the symposium is to present our work, which is not only focused on dance in its artistic form. The body is perceived in the principles of our creation as a holistic tool for supporting mental health, well-being and creativity. In this intensive form, we want to convey the content of our realized Receptive Playground project in Slovakia to all who are interested in enriching themselves and educating themselves together.

We will present different approaches in the field of self-development, mental health and dance therapy. In addition to the participants who actively form the working group from the ongoing workshops, the symposium is also open to the general public.

The schedule will include:



  • interactive lecture The body is in the head presented by psychiatrists Sandra Sklenářová, M.D. and Štěpánka Kicková, M.D., Ph.D. from the Institute of Neuropsychiatric Care - INEP Prague

The program of the Bratislava symposium will lead to an open dialogue that aims to stimulate a fruitful discussion based on one's own experience. It is compiled in such a way that it is accessible to everyone without distinction and regardless of professional or practical experience with the dance-movement form of "therapy".

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Weakness in us


We assume that our strength lies in embracing our own weakness. What if, instead of our own strength, we gave loving attention to inner weakness and how okay that can be? Can we be emotional, fragile, sentimental, naïve, confused yet predatory, manic, hysterical, erotic, ecstatic and lecherous?

In our practice, we try to translate these themes into movement qualities through creative dance and somatic methods, which we have been exploring together since 2018. Would you like to hug each other longer than usual? Would you melt slowly to the ground and lie on top of each other? Would you slow down time and feel a parasympathetic thrill? How much support do you give to others and how much do you need yourself?


The movement workshop will be led by:

Zuzana Žabková and Eva Priečková

Unknown ritual


When your depth isn't revealed, it turns against you and eats you from the inside. If one's own movement of energy is rationalized, instead of surrendering to it without resistance, our depth does not manifest itself and thereby injures us. In order to create and discover, we need to relax into not knowing and let go of resistance.

What is this feeling of not knowing? How does it feel to let go of resistance and relax into the feeling of not knowing? Breathe in from that space, breathe in from the core of your own consciousness, that the deep unknown becomes aware of itself. For a moment, to completely relax into the feeling of "I don't know". And to be my own energy from which I breathe and act. To follow my own driving force and the organic transformation of feelings and bodily impulses.

At the core of all depth is simplicity, and in simplicity is strength. And we will discover and embody that power during this movement workshop.   


The movement workshop will be led by:

Dubravka Radonjić

The body is in the head


That the brain controls the body has been known for centuries. Thanks to the brain, the body lives - it breathes, takes in food, moves and, for example, dances. But does this connection work both ways? Can the body itself have an effect on the brain and thus control our psyche? Can activities like dancing affect how we feel, think or behave? Are thinking, feeling, perceiving and behaving independent of the body? Why does someone perceive that they are speaking with their hands? What movement helps with anxiety? We will shed light on mental illnesses in which we encounter the body in different positions in psychiatry, using examples from practice to imagine what people suffering from mental disorders experience (not only after the body) and show how the body, dance and music can help heal the soul .

The lecture will be conducted by:

Sandra Sklenářová, M.D. and Štěpánka Kicková, M.D., Ph.D.

I.G.O.R. - bold conversations through movement

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"Duet as an ever-changing composition" is a joyful movement research focused on partner work in an improvised duet. We will review our ability/skill to anticipate a partner's movement/action and remain free to compose our own movement material. Change should not be seen as adaptation but as communication within the duet. I cordially invite you to improvised duets full of courage, risk and our (in)ability to make decisions.

Natural movement vocabulary does not require special body disposition and is suitable for the general public.

What is important to me in this job? To enjoy the power of enjoyment from movement and joy, to have the space to share your discoveries and experiences with others. To be precise and at the same time to find and not lose the freedom of one's own movement.

The creative workshop will be led by:

Daniel Raček

Move the body, the other body

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It is a movement practice in which we understand the body always in presence with others. Where we learn to listen to what our body needs right now. Where we find the right place for him and follow his attention. Where we let him explore places he doesn't know yet. Where we perceive the body as an empty vessel that we gradually fill and empty. Where we listen to what speaks to us through the body and examine what moves it. What makes him feel good and when he feels in crisis. Where we are interested in naming what the body experiences. Where we learn to cultivate a permeable body through touch and listening. A body that is not only ours, but becomes a common body in dialogue with others. A body that remembers what other bodies it has been or could have been.

This practice is inspired by the somatic methods of teachers and choreographers who work with connecting language and dance and therefore imagination, which can be conveyed and experienced in the body through description.

I am interested in investigating how poetics is created at the border of imagination, feeling and movement.


The movement workshop will be led by:

Zuzana Žabková

Organic focus

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It is a mode of perception that is completely intimate with what is arising in the given moment. Perception takes in both the detail and the whole at the same time. This is a process of connecting with what is happening and at the same time it allows us to free ourselves from the gravitational force of identification.

The body thus receives a kind of charge, as it is freed from psychological burden. Here there is no more room for addiction to disappointment, because continuous inspiration flows to us.

The very concept of grounding is found everywhere and in everything. Our movement becomes more plastic, it has both subtlety and dynamism, it generates the power of the whole, which it then radiates.

In these classes, we will expand the capacity of our own perception and switch from indifference and carelessness to carefree concentration.

And we will see how our body will react to it and what range of movement will be released from it...


The movement workshop will be led by:

Dubravka Radonjić


Day 1

14:00 Arrival and registration of participants

14:30 – 16:30 Weakness in us - movement workshop - Zuzana Žabková and Eva Priečková

16:30 – 17:00 Let's talk about

17:30 – 19:30 Unknown ritual - movement workshop - Dubravka Radonjić (LilaOmilia)

19:30 – 20:00 Final dialogue

Day 2

9:30 Arrival

10:00 – 13:00 Lecture The body is in the head - INEP Prague MUDr. Sandra Sklenářová
and MD Štěpánka Kicková Ph.D.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:30 – 17:00 I.G.O.R. - bold conversations through movement - creative workshop - Daniel Raček

17:00 – 17:30 Let's talk about

17:30 – 19:00 Jam session

Day 3

9:30 Arrival

10:00 – 12:30 Move the body, the other body - movement workshop - Zuzana Žabková

12:30 – 13:00 Let's talk about

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:30 – 17:00 Organic Focus - movement workshop - Dubravka Radonjić

17:00 – 18:00 Final panel discussion


50 EUR

Total amount for the three-day symposium in the period from 24. – 26. 5. 2024.

Payment is made by bank transfer.

After booking your place, you will receive payment details by email.

If you are really interested in participating, but you are in a difficult life situation and the total amount for the symposium is an obstacle for you, write to us at: and we will solve it.


Telocvičňa - Residential Center for Dance

Nová Cvernovka, Račianska 78, 831 02 Bratislava

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Reserve your place at the Bratislava Symposium

Reserve your place at the three-day symposium 24. – 26. 5. 2024 and we'll send you payment details.

Thank you for booking!

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