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MgA. Monika Zaharová

(1987, Rimavská Sobota)

All her experiences on the path of life are accompanied by constant change arising from the reluctance to get bored. These aspects create an energetic and curious being. The emotional richness displayed in every bit of what she does creates a colorful cocktail that she recommends taking in small sips.


Currently a full-time mother who decided to spice up this intense time with the activities of the LilaOmilia organization. Her studies in hotel management led her to experience abroad, and the university degree in the field of drama acting defined all subsequent steps. Already during her studies, dance, physical theater and movement become her passion, and she considers the body to be the center of interest, exploration and perception of life. She is fascinated by its intelligence and considers her relationship with it to be the most intimate expression of self-love.


She was part of several international projects and attended a number of seminars, workshops, creative workshops focused not only on working with the body. She passed on the experience she had accumulated over the years of practice to students at the conservatory, elementary art school and even in kindergartens.

She loves "paper work" and a certain sense of communication at different levels allowed her to go beyond artistic activity and comfortably enter the world of administration, and precisely by combining these two worlds she is currently successful in managing the Receptive Playground project. 

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