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Pavel Špatenka, M.D.


Self-knowledge therapy ( has been engaged in since 2000. The foundation stones for therapeutic practice were laid by the study of spiritual philosophies, depth psychology, own transformation process, personal inventions and unique psychological approaches that can be applied to the life of every person. In his approach, he does not provide an exhaustive analysis of human mental life, nor does he explain everything that goes on inside. Rather, he is motivated by trying to make direct knowledge and full understanding available to everyone through his own lived experience.


An integral part of his approach to self-knowledge are practical methods for cultivating inner peace and balance leading to improvement in self-control, or contemplative techniques for gaining deeper awareness and knowledge of the natural essence of oneself.

The approach of self-knowledge is used by Špatenka, M.D. in individual work with the client, lectures about him at professional seminars, runs a self-knowledge school and courses where he practically teaches self-knowledge. He develops a rich publishing activity in the popular and professional field, he has published six books and countless thematic articles in the media.

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